Participant: Amiram Granot (sax, Israel)

Israel, Kiryat Tivon

“My name is Amiram. I’m 45 years old. I play saxophone since I was 12.
I’m a professional Jazz musician and I played in a lot of festivals here in Israel and sometimes I go to Europe to perform there. I have 3 children. I live in Kyriat Tivon. I’m a professional musician.”

Amiram Granot (sax, Israel)
“I’m a professional Jazz musician and I played in a lot of festivals here in Israel and sometimes I go to Europe to perform there.”

The improviser's rating
29 votes, average: 3.10 out of 529 votes, average: 3.10 out of 529 votes, average: 3.10 out of 529 votes, average: 3.10 out of 529 votes, average: 3.10 out of 5 (29 votes, average: 3.10 out of 5)
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