Participant: Andriy Vendychanskiy (sax, Ukraine)

Ukraine, Kiev

Andriy finished Odessa musical academy named after A. V. Nezhdanova as a saxophonist. He works at the orchestra on the base of Military Institute of Kiev national university named after Taras Shevchenko. He plays in clubs and sings perfectly. He works under his own album creation.

Andriy Vendychanskiy (sax, Ukraine)
He plays in clubs and sings perfectly.

The improviser's rating
47 votes, average: 3.28 out of 547 votes, average: 3.28 out of 547 votes, average: 3.28 out of 547 votes, average: 3.28 out of 547 votes, average: 3.28 out of 5 (47 votes, average: 3.28 out of 5)
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