Participant: Ivan Zhilkin (drums, Ukraine)

Ukraine, Donetsk

I am a musician. I play since my 10 years. I finished musical school as a drummer. I finished mainstream department of Donetsk college of culture as a drummer. Take part in Donetsk jazz projects, as well as in Musical college, where I studied but now in role on session musician on the mainstream department. At the moment I work in musical school and improve my mastership by everyday trainings. Drums are the sense of my existence and what I like most of all in my life. I had great teachers and I am grateful to fate for them. Thanks also to my mother and relatives, who supported me whole conscious life. Thanks to everybody!

Ivan Zhilkin (drums, Ukraine)
«Drums are the sense of my existence and what I like most of all in my life.»

The improviser's rating
627 votes, average: 4.77 out of 5627 votes, average: 4.77 out of 5627 votes, average: 4.77 out of 5627 votes, average: 4.77 out of 5627 votes, average: 4.77 out of 5 (627 votes, average: 4.77 out of 5)
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