Participant: Artyom Avanesov (bass, Russia)

Russia, Rostov-on-Don

Hello! I am 19 years old. I engage in music already for 9 years. My favorite styles are post-bop, hard-bop, Latin music and fusion.

Artyom Avanesov (bass, Russia)
«My favorite styles are post-bop, hard-bop, Latin music and fusion.»

The improviser's rating
31 votes, average: 4.74 out of 531 votes, average: 4.74 out of 531 votes, average: 4.74 out of 531 votes, average: 4.74 out of 531 votes, average: 4.74 out of 5 (31 votes, average: 4.74 out of 5)
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