In the season 2014 an additional nomination called "New musical instruments and techniques" is found at requests of the MJF Internet audience.
Who can participate?
1. Performers, using contemporary techniques: e.g., scratch, beatboxing, beat making.
2. Musicians, using various electronic devices: samplers, effectors, loop stations, theremin, controllers, drum machines, synths etc.
MJF Organizing Committee has already started the development of evaluation criterion and selection mechanism of the new category best representatives for the final of the project.
The scenario of the category finalists’ participation in the "live" final of MJF is being developed.
If you are an improviser and use devices and techniques above in contemporary jazz music or a devotee of such experiments take part in the discussion of the competitive selection mechanism for representatives of the new category in the MJF-2014. For this purpose, a special platform on our website is created. The authors of the best ideas will be awarded!
We would be grateful for your feedback!