Participant: Alexander Kolosey (sax, Ukraine)

Ukraine, Donetsk

“I am an alto-saxophonist. In 2012 I finished Donetsk State Musical Academy as a saxophonist, jazz faculty. I have participated in jazz festivals-contests and jam-sessions in Ukraine, Russia and Poland.”

Alexander Kolosey (sax, Ukraine)
“I have participated in jazz festivals-contests and jam-sessions in Ukraine, Russia and Poland.”

The improviser's rating
21 votes, average: 2.43 out of 521 votes, average: 2.43 out of 521 votes, average: 2.43 out of 521 votes, average: 2.43 out of 521 votes, average: 2.43 out of 5 (21 votes, average: 2.43 out of 5)
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