Participant: Leandro Perpi??n Sanchis (saxophone, Spain)

Spain, Seville

"I love music. I grew up in Valencia (Spain), a land with a bunch of wind orchestras and I started study music at the local music society.
I got my bachelor in classical saxophone from Valencia and Madrid Conservatories. And later on graduated from Berklee College of Music (Boston, USA) with a Diploma in Performance.
Recently I released my debut album "Leandro Perpi??n Quartet".
Currently I teach saxophone at Seville's Professional Conservatory "Crist?bal de Morales" and play as much as I can around the Seville Area. "

Leandro Perpi??n Sanchis (saxophone, Spain)
“I grew up in Valencia (Spain), a land with a bunch of wind orchestras and I started study music at the local music society.”

The improviser's rating
155 votes, average: 4.08 out of 5155 votes, average: 4.08 out of 5155 votes, average: 4.08 out of 5155 votes, average: 4.08 out of 5155 votes, average: 4.08 out of 5 (155 votes, average: 4.08 out of 5)
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