Participant: Lyubomir Radomsky (sax, Ukraine)

Ukraine, Lviv

Lyubomir is a graduate-master of Lviv state musical academy named after M. Lysenko, ideological co-leader of groups "Dzyga Imagine" and "Green Silence" and also a member of numerous projects of jazz-rock-electronic genres. In the past he was a member of several projects and groups (“DNK”, “Sunrise”, “Roman Rak Big-band”, "Lu’co’mbo", bandsman of municipal orchestra of wind instruments and Lviv Big Band).

Lyubomir Radomsky (sax, Ukraine)
A member of numerous projects of jazz-rock-electronic genres.

The improviser's rating
19 votes, average: 1.95 out of 519 votes, average: 1.95 out of 519 votes, average: 1.95 out of 519 votes, average: 1.95 out of 519 votes, average: 1.95 out of 5 (19 votes, average: 1.95 out of 5)
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