Participant: Mark Rozen (sax, Israel)

Israel, Rishon Lezion

«My name is Mark Rosen. I am 42, married and father of two children.
I am a senior saxophone player, playing tenor saxophone, alto and soprano.
I started playing at the age of 16. I learned in the Conservatory and continued studying with the best teachers in Israel.
I participated in many television shows, festivals in Israel and abroad, among others I participated in numerous international jazz festival in the Red Sea with top artists such as Roy Young, Arieh Volonits and others,
I also participated in Jazz Festival with Roy Young in Jamaica.
I also performed at festivals in Italy and Germany.
I was invited to jam sessions and played with such a great artists as Michelle Ftrotz’iani, Dizzy Gillespie and Avishai Cohen.
I took two of my own record label, recorded with many other artists in first class.
Playing jazz, funk and soul music mostly.»

Mark Rozen (sax, Israel)
Israel, Rishon Lezion
“I was invited to jam sessions and played with such a great artists as Michelle Ftrotz’iani, Dizzy Gillespie and Avishai Cohen.”

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22 votes, average: 2.77 out of 522 votes, average: 2.77 out of 522 votes, average: 2.77 out of 522 votes, average: 2.77 out of 522 votes, average: 2.77 out of 5 (22 votes, average: 2.77 out of 5)
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