Participant: Oleg Subbotin (saxophone, Ukraine)

Ukraine, Odessa

Oleg Subbotin has been the permanent leader of saxophones’ group of a big band under conduction of N. Goloshchapov since 1989.
He was the participant of many international jazz festivals: “Jazz carnival” (Odessa), Live in Blue Bay (the Crimea, Koktebel), and jazz festivals in Rostov-on-Don (Russia) and Frankfurt am Main (Germany) and many others.
Oleg carries active concert and pedagogical activity (Odessa musical college named after K. F. Dankevich, a saxophone class).

Oleg Subbotin (saxophone, Ukraine)
Oleg conducts active concert and pedagogical activity (OUIK of K. F. Dankevich, a saxophone class).

The improviser's rating
126 votes, average: 4.12 out of 5126 votes, average: 4.12 out of 5126 votes, average: 4.12 out of 5126 votes, average: 4.12 out of 5126 votes, average: 4.12 out of 5 (126 votes, average: 4.12 out of 5)
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