Participant: Oleg Velikanov (sax, Russia)

Russia, Rostov-on-Don

Oleg Velikanov is a saxophonist of Kim Nazaretov Orchestra (Rostov-on-Don), lecturer at the conservatory. Cut his teeth on different jazz styles.


“His main affirmation: professional musician is to play absolutely everything and to be able to skip between classics, Dixieland or jazz-rock (and he does it, by the way)." (Jazz.Ru)

Oleg Velikanov (sax, Russia)

The improviser's rating
99 votes, average: 3.89 out of 599 votes, average: 3.89 out of 599 votes, average: 3.89 out of 599 votes, average: 3.89 out of 599 votes, average: 3.89 out of 5 (99 votes, average: 3.89 out of 5)
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