Participant: Yekaterina Vasileva (vocals, Ukraine)

Ukraine, Odessa

“My name is Yekaterina Vasileva, I am 19. Since 4 years I am engaged in music. Besides music I am also interested in cinema and literature. I finished Odessa College of Culture and Arts named after K. Dankevich in mainstream/jazz piano. I am a winner of numerous International and all-Ukrainian jazz festivals and contests.”

Yekaterina Vasileva (vocals, Ukraine)
“I am a winner of numerous International and all-Ukrainian jazz festivals and contests.”

The improviser's rating
254 votes, average: 4.87 out of 5254 votes, average: 4.87 out of 5254 votes, average: 4.87 out of 5254 votes, average: 4.87 out of 5254 votes, average: 4.87 out of 5 (254 votes, average: 4.87 out of 5)
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