Participant: Dmitry Zhirnov (Guitar, Ukraine)

Ukraine, Mariupol

My name is Dmitriy Zhirnov (Ukraine, 1990).
“I play guitar since I was 7. I’m the finalist of the guitar competitions Boss War 2010 and Molotkov's 2012 Competition, the winner of the internet-competition among the CIS guitar players SCHECTER SHRED 2012, which was carried out by the group VK "Guitarist" which has about 200000 subscribers. The guitar player of GMO Project group (instrumental rock, fusion, progressive jazz), with which I took part in the fest Jazz Forum 2011 (Berdyansk), the guitar STRING FIRE FEST 2011 in Kharkov as headliners and also in a number of concerts in the various cities of Ukraine. I’m the author and the performer of more than 20 compositions (have a look at them on my VK and Myspace webpages), the active participant and the winner of various online guitar jams and guitar competitions on YouTube, also I work as a teacher.”

Dmitriy Zhirnov (guitar, Ukraine)
“I’m the author and the performer of more than 20 compositions (have a look at them on my VK and Myspace webpages), the active participant and the winner of various online guitar jams and guitar competitions on YouTube, also I work as a teacher.”

The improviser's rating
43 votes, average: 4.30 out of 543 votes, average: 4.30 out of 543 votes, average: 4.30 out of 543 votes, average: 4.30 out of 543 votes, average: 4.30 out of 5 (43 votes, average: 4.30 out of 5)
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