Justin van Uum (1989) is a bass player from Maastricht, the Netherlands.
He graduated in 2012 for his bachelor electric bass guitar from the Maastricht conservatory. He studies with A. Boerner, and had also side subject double bass from Philippe Aerts. The study also included combo lessons with Claudius Valk, Frank Giebels en Ron van Stratum.
Justin is going to study for a master degree with P. Aert, and will also take lessons in Antwerp, Rotterdam and Rome.
In 2011 he won the EU-jazz award in Heerlen (NL), and got in 2012 to the finals of the Leiden (NL) Jazz award with the Jusin Min Trio.
He plays in a lot of bands; jazz standards, modern jazz, trio, quarter, quintet, big bands, Latin bands, cover bands and rock bands.
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